Reviews, Tables & Plots
R.L. Workman
et al.
(Particle Data Group),
Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys.
, 083C01 (2022)
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Introduction, History plots, Online information
Introduction (rev.)
History plots (rev.)
Online particle physics information (rev.)
Interactive version
Constants, Units, Atomic and Nuclear Properties
Physical constants (rev.)
Astrophysical constants (rev.)
International system of units (SI) (rev.)
Periodic table of the elements (rev.)
Electronic structure of the elements
Atomic and nuclear properties of materials (rev.)
Interactive version
Electromagnetic relations
Naming scheme for hadrons (rev.)
Standard Model and Related Topics
Quantum chromodynamics (rev.)
Electroweak model and constraints on new physics (rev.)
Higgs boson physics, status of (rev.)
CKM quark-mixing matrix (rev.)
violation in the quark sector (rev.)
Neutrino masses, mixing, and oscillations (rev.)
Quark model (rev.)
Heavy-quark and soft-collinear effective theory
Lattice quantum chromodynamics (rev.)
Structure functions (rev.)
Fragmentation functions in e+ e-, ep, and pp collisions (rev.)
High energy soft QCD and diffraction
Tests of conservation laws (rev.)
Astrophysics and Cosmology
Experimental tests of gravitational theory (rev.)
Big-Bang cosmology (rev.)
Inflation (rev.)
Big-Bang nucleosynthesis (rev.)
Cosmological parameters (rev.)
Neutrinos in cosmology (rev.)
Dark matter (rev.)
Dark energy (rev.)
Cosmic microwave background (rev.)
Cosmic rays (rev.)
Experimental Methods and Colliders
Accelerator physics of colliders (rev.)
High-energy collider parameters (rev.)
Neutrino beam lines at High-energy proton synchrotrons (rev.)
Passage of particles through matter (rev.)
Particle detectors at accelerators (rev.)
Particle detectors for non-accelerator physics (rev.)
Radioactivity and radiation protection (rev.)
Commonly used radioactive sources (rev.)
Mathematical Tools
Probability (rev.)
Statistics (rev.)
Machine Learning (new)
Monte Carlo techniques (rev.)
Monte Carlo event generators (rev.)
Monte Carlo neutrino event generators (rev.)
Monte Carlo particle numbering scheme (rev.)
Clebsch-Gordan coeff., sph. harmonics, and
SU(3) isoscalar factors and representation matrices
SU(n) multiplets and Young diagrams
Kinematics, Cross-Section Formulae, and Plots
Kinematics (rev.)
Resonances (rev.)
Cross-section formulae for specific processes (rev.)
Neutrino cross section measurements (rev.)
Plots of cross sections and related quantities (rev.)
Interactive version
Particle Properties
(See also Hypothetical Particles and Concepts below.)
Gauge Bosons
Mass and width of the W boson (rev.)
Extraction of triple gauge couplings (TGC's)
Anomalous W/Z quartic couplings (QGCs)
Z boson
Anomalous Z Z gamma, Z gamma gamma, and Z Z V couplings
Charged Leptons
Muon anomalous magnetic moment (rev.)
Muon decay parameters (rev.)
tau branching fractions (rev.)
tau-lepton decay parameters (rev.)
Number of light neutrino types from collider experiments
Neutrinoless double-beta decay
Neutrino properties (rev.)
Sum of neutrino masses (rev.)
Quark masses (rev.)
Top quark (rev.)
Form factors for semileptonic kaon, radiative pion and kaon decays (rev.)
Spectroscopy of Light Meson Resonances (new)
Scalar mesons below 1 GeV (rev.)
Charged kaon mass
Rare kaon decays (rev.)
Dalitz plot parameters for K --> 3 pi decays
invariance tests in neutral kaon decay (rev.)
-violation in K
-> 3pi
V(ud), V(us), Cabibbo angle, and CKM unitarity (rev.)
-violation in K
decays (rev.)
Review of multibody charm analyses (rev.)
- Dbar
mixing (rev.)
+ branching fractions (rev.)
Leptonic decays of charged pseudoscalar mesons (rev.)
Production and decay of b-flavored hadrons (rev.)
Heavy Flavor Averaging Group (rev.)
Polarization in B decays (rev.)
-- Bbar
mixing (rev.)
Semileptonic B-hadron decays, determination of V(cb), V(ub) (rev.)
CKM angles from B hadrons, Determination of (rev.)
Spectroscopy of mesons containing two heavy quarks (rev.)
Charmonium system (rev.)
Branching ratios of psi(2S) and chi_c(0,1,2) (rev.)
Bottomonium system (rev.)
Width determination of the upsilon states
Heavy non q-qbar mesons (rev.)
Baryon decay parameters
N and Delta resonances
Lambda and Sigma resonances (rev.)
Pole structure of the Lambda(1405) region (rev.)
Radiative hyperon decays
Xi resonances
Pentaquarks (rev.)
Hypothetical Particles and Concepts
Extra dimensions searches (rev.)
W'-boson searches (rev.)
Z'-boson searches (rev.)
Supersymmetry: theory (rev.)
Supersymmetry: experiment (rev.)
Axions and other similar particles (rev.)
Quark and lepton compositeness, searches for (rev.)
Dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking: implications of the H(0) (rev.)
Grand unified theories
Leptoquarks (rev.)
Magnetic monopoles (rev.)